The more the words, the less the meaning

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

on resolutions

Let me make one thing clear: this is not a New Years resolution. I am not blogging because the calendar has been reset. There have been some fascinating thoughts running through my head lately and I want to keep track of them. I usually just peck out my thoughts in a Word file, but some recent thoughts haven't been "Word file worthy," in terms of length or depth, ya know? Rather, these thoughts are shallow and appropriate for just the likes of someone like you. "I'd like to thank all the little people who make this blog possible..."
Moving on. ...No, backing up actually. My reason for not liking New Years resolutions: when I find something in my life that I wish I did differently I don't need to wait for my calendar to read an even 1-01 (never mind the fact that those are odd numbers). On my wall hangs one of those pictures with an inspirational caption that reads:

Sometimes there is no next time, no second chance, no time out.'s now or never.

It sounds great, but what good is a piece of advice if you do nothing with it? My approach to resolutions is just that -do it now. Some people say they need the discipline of a new year. I have to wonder though, doesn't it require more discipline to do it now??


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