The more the words, the less the meaning

Thursday, August 10, 2006

divine fellowship

Among many reasons, I look forward to heaven as a place where we can experience life in community as it was meant to be. I long to hang out with my friends in a place void of prejudice, grudges, ulterior motives, bitterness, resentment, jealousy, slander, and finger pointing. I'm not sure what reconciliation will look like in heaven, but I would much rather arrive there on good terms with those dear to me.

Does that mean there will be no differences between us? Of course not, but we will finally learn to celebrate our differences and view them as our Father does. I'm not entirely convinced that instantly everything will be okay between us. I think there will be a moment where we will have to let go of those past hurts (although I'm sure we'll view that decision from God's perspective and see that it is hardly a decision at all). Will we ever realize that we're going to spend eternity with our brothers and sisters? Maybe we should start getting along now.

aside from my La-Z-Boy

I don't want to be comfortable. It seems that as soon as we get comfortable is the time we should move on. Comfort blinds and numbs us to our surroundings, robbing us of opportunities to experience life in ways that are outside our routine.

Perhaps one aspect of hell is that there is never anything new.

How many people question their need to wake up in the morning when they know it will look no different than any other day? I'm not suggesting that change is the destination in life, but rather it is the scenic route that makes life fun, adventurous, surprising, challenging, rewarding... Isn't life all about worshipping God in all seasons of life? Change, and the subsequent lack of comfort it brings, allows us to experience God in ways we otherwise couldn't. Maybe discomfort isn't such a bad thing after all...

priorities: the first loser

Why are we so quick to gossip and share juicy details that can seriously harm a person, yet we never want to hear how a movie ends? Is it that we have no problem spoiling the things that really matter? Are our priorities so misaligned, or do we simply prefer to convince ourselves otherwise?

a better bargain

I'm not such a fan of popularity without substance. Why are we so quick to huddle around the newest and coolest coat of paint, only to discover that underneath the surface is the same old fluff we just got bored with?

Crap not only stinks, it cheapens everything else.

When we tout something (or someone, for that matter) as the latest and great whatever without first examining what it's made of we undermine the value of those things that truly are excellent.

not my style

For what it's worth, I don't use my blog as a means to get a point across to certain people. That reminds me all too much of the ways of middle school, and I would like to think I've grown past that.

My blog is simply a way for me to share my thoughts in the hope that it will cause people to stop and think. It seems there is rarely enough of that going on...