The more the words, the less the meaning

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

an environment for the soul

"Where do you live?" It's a question often asked, but rarely considered. I'm not asking where you live. Rather, I'm asking where you LIVE. What makes you come alive? Where do you thrive? What makes your heart well up within you 'til it overflows to your soul? Where do you find rest, exhilaration, passion, strength, vulnerability, and harmony? That, my friends, is where you live. that where you live?

Monday, February 20, 2006

found among the simple

Why don’t we put any stock in the simple, overlooked things in life? How much richer would our lives be if we saw everything as a gift from God, taking nothing for granted?”

Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with very much. It’s the small things that count.

When was the last time you went out of your way to thank someone for something they do all the time? When was the last time you did something for someone without thinking of yourself?

How many miracles have we overlooked today because we are too stuck on the BIG things?

Do we have enough faith to believe God for the small things?

Monday, February 13, 2006

divine perspective

Several months back I was stuck on the thought, "If only we could see things the way God sees them." I can't be certain if God showed me certain things, or if it was simply my seeking them out that brought about various "revelations." I remembered the story of Cain and Abel.

Cain kills Abel and then lives the life of a wanderer. I've heard the story many times. In an earthly sense, it's outright unfair. Abel was the good guy, and he gets killed! How could a loving God allow that to happen? The only answer I've ever heard is that "Sometimes God does things that don't make sense to us." Am I the only one that has a degree of trouble just accepting that as is? Then it dawned on me... As far as we know, Abel was the first person to enter into Heaven. (That thought gives me goose bumps) Can you imagine the celebration that happened that day? Perhaps God was so struck by Abel's love for Him, that He wanted to honor him as the first distinguished guest in His amazing paradise.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

i dare you

"Most people would rather be certain they're miserable than risk being happy."
-Robert Anthony

Why are we so afraid of taking risks? I think this gets at men more so than women due to our intrinsic fear of failure. Do we honestly believe that what we have is better than what we could have? Are we going to settle for a life of mediocrity because it's simply convenient and easy? Maybe I'm reading a different Bible, but nowhere does it say to look for the easy way. Nowhere does God say, "Do what's easiest, without shaking things up too much." God never says, "Consider what you might lose," He only talks about what we have to gain. This has never occurred to me before now, but I think we are actually sinning by omission when we don't take certain risks...